Middle School Ministry

Let’s Stay Connected!

If you are not receiving email messages regarding LEAP Middle School Ministry, please contact Michelle Laytham at michelle.laytham@clcop.org.  You can also stay connected with us through the LEAP Parent Connect Facebook group.  Please join us in the private group to receive information, and also to share parenting tips and questions.

We have put the following Sunday Morning Bible study material together for you to grow together as a family.  Listen to the Audio Lesson together, and then download the Small Group .pdf document for discussion. There is no prep time for these materials.

Click HERE, and open the folder for the appropriate week.

During the school year:

Sunday morning 9:30-10:30    Students are separated by grade and learn what we believe, teach, and confess at Lutherans.  We focus on Old Testament lessons in the fall, New Testament lesson in the spring.  Bring your Bible, notebook and open heart!

Wednesday night 6:00-7:30    5th, 6th and 7th graders start in the auditorium as a large group praising Jesus Christ in song. Then we break into small groups of 6-8 kids with an adult leader who leads discussion on how we can apply biblical truths in practical ways.

Sign-Up for Sunday School & Wednesday Nights Here!

Middle School 2023-2024 Calendar


High School Ministry

e strive to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ in our homes, our schools, and our neighborhoods. (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Due to Covid-19, our monthly Community Building events have been cancelled for the school year, and will resume with Tuesday Night Volleyball, as restrictions are lifted.

While we are currently unable to meet in person, join us on Sunday mornings at 11am for a Zoom Bible study.  Please contact Korey Danley, korey.danley@clcop.org, for the Zoom login information.  Join us on Wednesday evenings for Student-led devotions on Instagram.  Student leaders will be sharing devotions at clym.clcop live, at 7pm.

During the school year:

Sunday Mornings 9:30-10:30    9th-12th grades meet in the Youth Room (Room 145). We start with bagels, then a high-energy activity, and then break out into small groups to examine God’s word and its relevance in our lives today. 8th grade meets in the Library in the Fall, and with the 9th-12th graders in the Spring.

Sign-Up for Sunday School & Wednesday Nights Here!

High School Youth 2023-2024 Calendar


High School Small Groups

All 8th-12th grade small groups will resume Fall 2020.


Due to COVID-19, the Rite of Confirmation and 5th Grade First Communion has been postponed to Late Summer/Fall 2020.

The confirmation program for 8th-grade students has three objectives:

  1. Ensure that students understand the teachings and beliefs of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
  2. Foster an individual, relevant relationship between the student and Jesus Christ that he or she can profess and begin modeling in daily life.
  3. Transition the 8th-grade student from Junior High into the High School ministry and beyond.

Confirmation Classes and Test: Confirmation classes are held on Sunday mornings in the Fall in Room 141 from 9:30-10:30. This class focuses on Lutheran doctrine. Students should bring a bible, notebook, and pencil to take notes. Students will be required to score 85% or higher on a written test held in December. A retest will be given for all students who do not achieve 85 percent on the test. In the Spring, 8th-graders move into the high school class on Sunday mornings.

“What Jesus Means to Me Speeches” and Rite of Confirmation: All students are required to make a public declaration of their faith and lifelong pledge to follow Jesus Christ during a worship service. We will hold the Rite of Confirmation after speeches at this worship service.

Small groups at Mentor Couple homes, Wednesdays 6:15-7:45. Students meet in small group (6-8 kids) in the homes of adult Mentor Couples to apply what they learned on Sunday mornings in real-life situations. Every year, confirmands look back on their experiences with Mentor Couples as a highlight of the Confirmation program.

Memory Work: By 8th grade, students are expected to have memorized and to be able to demonstrate the following:

Students who attended 5th-grade Communion Classes at Christ Lutheran received a copy of Luther’s Catechism. This is a key component of the confirmation program. If you did not receive a copy, please contact the church office. You can also find it online at The Book of Concord.

Please contact Korey Danely or call 345-9700 with questions about the Confirmation program.

Youth Trips



Christ Lutheran Church

11720 Nieman Road
Overland Park, KS 66210

Contact us at:

Care Needs: Call or Text 913-346-3454