Middle School (Grades 5-8)
During the school year:
Sunday morning 9:30-10:30 Students are separated by grade and learn what we believe, teach, and confess at Lutherans. We focus on Old Testament lessons in the fall, New Testament lesson in the spring. Bring your Bible, notebook and open heart!
Wednesday night 6:00-7:30 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders meet in the youth room. An adult leader leads the lesson and then we break into small groups on how we can apply biblical truths in practical ways.
High School Small Groups (Grades 9-12)
The confirmation program for 7th & 8th grade students has three objectives:
- Ensure that students understand the teachings and beliefs of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
- Foster an individual, relevant relationship between the student and Jesus Christ that he or she can profess and begin modeling in daily life.
- Transition the 8th-grade student from Middle School into the High School ministry and beyond.
Rite of Confirmation and Test:
At Christ Lutheran Church 7th grade begins the confirmation process with studying the bible on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour. Students are required to score 85% or higher on a written exam. A retrest will be given for all students who do not achieve 85% or higher on the exam.
At Christ Lutheran Church 8th grade focuses on Lutheran doctrine. Students should bring a bible, notebook, 30-Lesson Catechism Study Student Book, and pencil to take notes. Students will be required to score 85% or higher on a written exam. A retest will be given for all students who do not achieve 85 percent on the test.
Confirmation Capstone Project:
The confirmation capstone project begins in seventh grade with students completing the Clifton Strengths Assessment and coaching during the spring semester.
Eighth grade students will choose a Capstone Project that reflects their strengths during fall semester. The students will work with a mentor during the school year to complete the project. The purpose of the final project is for the student to participate in ministry (serving the Kingdom), using their strengths. It should be something they enjoy and are excited to do, and possibly an area where a student may continue to use their strengths after completion of Confirmation. We will hold the Rite of Confirmation and capstone project presentation at a worship service in May.
Memory Work: By 8th grade, students are expected to have memorized and to be able to demonstrate the following:
Students who attended 5th-grade Communion Classes at Christ Lutheran received a copy of Luther’s Catechism. This is a key component of the confirmation program. If you did not receive a copy, please contact the church office. You can also find it online at The Book of Concord.
Christ Lutheran Church
11720 Nieman Road
Overland Park, KS 66210
Contact us at:
Care Needs: Call or Text 913-346-3454