We provide orphans and widows the spiritual, physical, emotional and educational support they need to become solid citizens in the Kingdom of God, ultimately for the glory of God and the advancement of the Kingdom.
Click here to visit the James Project website.
Child Sponsorships
While one of the goals is the financial support that it takes to care for the children, a key point is also the building up and inner healing of each child. Most children come to Shadow of His Wings with damaged hearts from a past of people constantly treating them like they had little or no value.
The sponsorship relationship shows them that there are people out there who love them and will pray for them and may even send them a letter every now and then.
Woman Sponsorships
Through our women’s program we are helping widows, single mothers and our older children receive an education and job training so that they can reach their full potential and care for themselves and their children.
These women receive training that allows them to generate income for their families, as well as support from social workers, psychologists, and mentors. They are learning how to make positive choices and decisions in their finances, and much more.
Through this program, we aim to positively effect the lives of these women and the generations to come.
Other Ways to Get Involved
Participate in the Next Mission Trip
Our team of 13 individuals traveled, safely, to and from Guatemala in February of this year. Our Father was able to work in so many amazing ways through our team, including things such as building connections and relationships, providing the material and building of three chickens coops (also filled with 150 live chickens), putting together a Quinceanera for a young girl that would be missing the big celebration as she was returning home, and touching the lives of so many through God’s word and Spirit.
If you’re feeling called to join our mission team next year or have any questions regarding what this process looks like, please reach out to Tiffany.Danley@clcop.org. It is never too early to get your name on the future list for 2025. Also know that there is no upper or lower age limit for the team members, however all children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Team expenses vary from year to year; the cost of the 2024 trip was $1,400 per team member.
You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8
Christ Lutheran Church
11720 Nieman Road
Overland Park, KS 66210
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Care Needs: Call or Text 913-346-3454