
Rm 145 KS

Life-change is the heart-beat of re:generation Monday evenings at 7:00 pm in room is a biblically-based 12-step discipleship group for healing, recovery and freedom from any type of struggle.Contact Care Ministry for information. Click here to learn more about re:generation



re|engage is a marriage enrichment program. Marriages in any condition can benefit, whether you are struggling to get along, your marriage is broken, or you simply want to grow closer together as a couple.

re:generation Open House

Commons 11720 Nieman, Overland Park, KS, United States

Many of you may have felt God's nudge to attend re:generation OR you have a loved one or friend who comes to mind when you think of re:gen. NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO FIND OUT MORE! YOU'RE INVITED! re:generation OPEN HOUSE make plans to enjoy a coffee and a donut and find out more about how […]

Pre-School Bible Blessing

Room 105

Isn't it amazing what your three-five year old has learned to do? Their minds and hearts are ready for a very spiritual experience - sitting on your lap while you read to them from their very own picture Bible. That is why we are offering the three-session course called Preschool Bible Blessing, which is one […]