Newborns – 3 Years Old
From birth, it’s important for children to associate God and Jesus with loving people and enjoyable activities and to associate God with happy experiences with others.
The ministry of the nursery touches lives for eternity. We want your child to feel welcome and a part of our program through the people and activities that God has placed in this ministry area. In order to accomplish this, we provide loving care and teaching during our time in the nursery. Through this, children will develop an awareness of the name of Jesus and associate Him with being loved.
Nursery Curriculum
A nursery curriculum has been created which includes various activities to choose from based upon the age of the children in the nursery at any given time. Some of these activities include crafts, stories, use of toys, felt boards, etc. Our curriculum covers 6 different bible themes throughout the year:
January/February – Bible Heroes – Moses, Daniel, Joseph and David & Jonathan
March/April – Easter
May/June – Noah’s ark
July/August – Bible Heroes – Jonah, Queen Esther, David & Goliath, Ruth & Naomi
September/October – Creation
November/December – Jesus birth
Click here for Nursery Guidelines.
Nursery Care Open for Sunday Education Hour, as well as the 8:15 and 10:45 Sunday Worship Services(Ages 0-3) Questions regarding the nursery, please contact Linda Bauman, Child Care Coordinator, at
3 Year Olds to 4th Grade
All About Children’s Ministry!
In Ephesians 3:14-19, Paul describes his prayer for the Ephesians, that they would be ‘rooted and established in love’ and they would comprehend the height and depth, length and width of God’s love for them. Wow, what a prayer! The children ministries of Christ Lutheran Church, adopts this same prayer for every child and ministry partner in our community. In every aspect of our ministries to children and their families, we remember this prayer, along with our church mission ‘Together in Christ, that others may know Christ.’
Partners with Parents
All children and youth ministries of Christ Lutheran Church work to empower, support, and train the parents of our community to lead their children in their faith formation. Children Ministries operates under the belief that the most important aspect determining a child’s faith formation is the family. Our programming functions as just one tool in the faith nurturing of children and families, as a child experiences much more in their everyday lives at home.
Some of the ways you will see this in action include parent take-home sheets, parenting courses, and all-family service events.
What ages are included in Children’s Ministry?
Preschool – 3 year olds through PK
Elementary – Kindergarten through 4th grade.
When does Children’s Ministry meet?
Sunday – 9:30-10:30 AM
Wednesday – 6:00-7:30 PM
The Difference between Sunday and Wednesday
On Sundays, children learn about Jesus through a large group-small group format. In large group, the children learn the Bible lesson of the day through drama, music, and a puppet skit. While in small group, the shepherds lead the children in various activities and discussions that reinforce the Scripture for the week.
On Wednesday evenings, children learn in a fun way that looks much like a typical day at a Vacation Bible School. The children learn a lesson that builds on the Sundays before and learn to apply those Biblical Truths to their everyday lives.
Children's Ministry Calendar
VBS Registration
Summer 2025 VBS Registration Coming Soon!
Christ Lutheran Church
11720 Nieman Road
Overland Park, KS 66210
Contact us at:
Care Needs: Call or Text 913-346-3454