We are continually taking our Next Step to follow JESUS, and invite others to do the same. 

What do you mean by . . . Next Step?

A “next step” is an intentional act to grow in our faith. We want to let each follower decide what that next step will be. There are hundreds of different possibilities. It can be a baby step such as reading one verse of the Bible each day. Or it could be a gigantic step such as going on a mission trip. Not only will each follower decide what that next step will be, but they will also decide how long that “next step” will take. It could be to read one verse a day for the next month…or for the next year. And if you get stuck on a step we’ll help.

Why are we doing this?

We believe the heart of the Great Commission is about being disciples or followers of Jesus and making disciples or followers of Jesus. If we are following Jesus, there should be movement…steps we can take to go where Jesus is going, and become like Christ.

How will we do this?

Three times a year, in the fall, in January and before summer begins, we are going to invite our congregation to fill out a “next step” card. You will identify your next step, write it down and commit to it. You can tear off one of the sheets on which you will indicate whether you will be taking a next step Up, Out or In; whether you have completed your previous step or will be continuing to work on it and if you would like assistance either choosing or completing your next step. In the future, trained next step coaches will be available to assist you at your request. Otherwise the specifics are between you, God and any accountability partners you may choose.

How long will this last?

This is how our DNA as a congregation expresses itself, it is how we live out our relations with Jesus; the daily response to our calling – one next step. Your next step Up, In or Out will be something we talk about on a regular basis.  Jesus doesn’t invite us to just take on step to follow Him, he invites us to keep on following Him and so when we’ve completed one step the next one begins.  It is necessary both to stand firm and to move forward.

What if I don't want to take a step?

We hope that everyone will participate, even if it is just a small step. But we can’t and don’t want to force or manipulate anyone to do anything. Our job as a church is to create opportunities for people to grow. If you have concerns about this though, we would love for you to talk to us, because likely others have those same concerns, and perhaps we will need to tweak this process as we move along.

I don't understand this or have any idea what my next step could be. Is there any more help?

I’m glad you asked. Why yes there is! We have several things that could help out.

First of all, we have a list of possible next steps that we brainstormed that you could pick from. Or reading through it just might get your creative juices flowing so that you can pick something on your own.

Second, we know that some people want a little more structure and guidance. If this describes you, we have a list of 12 steps that you could take as you begin your journey.

Third, we have several people, who are willing to sit down with you to function as a spiritual guide and help you figure out what next step to take. These are people who are going to primarily listen, and ask questions. They are not going to tell you what to do, but will come alongside you to figure this thing out.

What if I don't keep my promise?

You are in good company with the rest of Jesus’ followers. This is not about guilting people or beating them up for falling short. We all, including the pastors, will need to make adjustments as we take steps. That is why we live under the grace of the cross.

Submission Forms Available

The Discipleship Team looks forward to praying over and helping you to reach each of your Next Steps.  If you have not had a chance to submit your Next Step, you can still do so!  Forms are available in the Narthex.  Complete the form and slip it in the Next Steps box.  You can also complete an electronic version of the form and submit it here: Online Next Step Form.  If you have any further questions, feel free to email Tiffany Danley.

Suggestions for Next Steps…

Next Steps IN

  1. Join our Care Ministry Team as a Care Messenger, Care Mailing Volunteer, or Care Driver.
  2. Lead a Divorce Care or Single & Parenting group
  3. Attend a Ministry to Men or Ministry to Women event
  4. Join a small or common interest group
  5. Lead a session in my small group
  6. Talk with someone new at church
  7. Facilitate a weeknight or Sunday morning High School Small Group
  8. Serve as an Event Coordinator for the CLYM Student Leadership Team
  9. Enroll my child in Christian education
  10. Take part in Re:Generation or Re|Engage
  11. Share my gifts of musical talent as a High School Praise Team/Band Coordinator or in CLC Weekend Worship Services
  12. Contribute in worship as an usher, sound booth tech, greeter, Together Point Team, or communion prep/service
  13. Brew coffee for members and visitors as an act of Fellowship
  14. Send a note of encouragement to someone on the prayer list
  15. Volunteer with KNO (Kid’s Night Out) Ministry
  16. Talk to a Next Steps coach

Nexts Steps OUT

  1. Have a conversation with a neighbor, co-worker or classmate, listen and look for what Jesus is up to in their life
  2. Participate in the next REACH event
  3. Adopt a child or missionary at James Project of Latin America/Shadow of His Wings
  4. Provide financial and/or prayer support for someone going on a mission trip
  5. Show love to someone who has hurt or offended you
  6. Be kind and generous to a stranger
  7. Pray for or with a neighbor or co-worker who is struggling
  8. Organize a service project for your small group
  9. Pray/watch for an opportunity to share your story with someone
  10. Find out how you can serve one of CLC’s benevolence partners
  11. Arrange a family/small group trip to Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center
  12. Find out what donations are need for our CLC’s upcoming mission trip to Guatemala and collect those items
  13. Prepare meals for shut-ins, homeless, expectant/new mothers, or other parties in need

Next Steps UP

  1. Attend worship services more frequently
  2. Read a daily devotion or spend quiet time with God
  3. Add a daily prayer time to my day
  4. Join or start a prayer group
  5. Provide a worship experience to share with my small group
  6. Read a book about “spiritual disciplines” or Sabbath keeping
  7. Identify a sin or area of sin and repent
  8. Increase my giving by 1%
  9. Start a list of God sightings with family or friends
  10. Talk about worship on the way home from church
  11. Discuss a spiritual question at mealtime 
  12. Join the CLC congregational reading plan or begin one of my own
  13. Read through _______ of the Bible a day/week. (a verse, a chapter)
  14. Aim at being more engaged in worship
  15. Attend the Prayer Pathway 

Christ Lutheran

Church & Education Center
11720 Nieman Road
Overland Park, KS 66210

Contact us at: 
Care Needs 913.754.5812


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Christ Lutheran Church and Education Center